Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#518 new enhancement

need fan control

Reported by: abwillis Owned by: eco
Priority: major Milestone: Release 4.00
Component: Utilities Version: 3.18
Keywords: Cc:


I know some use fan control to slow the fans so they are not as loud but I am requesting fan control because the fans are not fast enough. I should feel much more air flow from the fan. I see this in Linux as well, I have to install tpfan-admin in order to get almost another 1000 RPM out of the fan. While throttling helps, it really only helps when the machine is idle, when I start using it the fans are not pushing enough air so the temperature rises very quickly.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by dgbisse, 12 years ago

I would suggest that this is not a fan control problem. It is probably an air flow blockage problem. Try a vacuum cleaner.

On the other hand, I have a lenovo ThinkPad T510, which has developed a problem where the temperature is always reported as being 48C. That basically means that the fan is never turned on, even when the actual temperature is well above that. I found TP-FanControl, for windows, which will turn the fan on, but it needs to be set to manual mode, or it has the same problem. BIOS fan control also doesn't work, because of the failure of the temperature sensor (and some other power control stuff). Other than that, the system is still working. Thanks to ACPI, I can tell it never to run above 25%, and it hasn't burned down, yet, but something else needs to be done with this thing. Meanwhile, If ACPI can turn on the fan, somehow, I would like to know how.

comment:2 by abwillis, 12 years ago

Fans have been cleand but as I stated, Linux shows the same issue. The difference is that I can install tp-fan on Linux and set it so that it will run faster.

comment:3 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Component: ACPI PSDUtilities
Milestone: Release version 3.19Release Version 4.0.0
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