Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#199 closed defect (fixed)

ACPI 3.07 traps on ASUS Pundit P1-AH2 (nVidia nForce 410/430) and Athlon64 X2 (3800+ EE)

Reported by: Chuck McKinnis Owned by: pasha
Priority: major Milestone: Release version 3.10
Component: ACPI PSD Version: 3.08
Keywords: 3.07 3.08 SMP Athlon64 X2 Cc:


There are still problems with the ACPI 3.0x line on the ASUS Pundit P1-AH2 motherboard which is using an nForce 410 or 430 chipset. The processor used is an AMD Athlon64 X2 (3800+ EE)

Change History (19)

by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Log Collector result for this machine

comment:1 by eco, 17 years ago

OK, Pasha is chatting with the user via ICQ. It's necessary remake APIC stuff in ACPI.PSD

comment:2 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Keywords: 3.08 added
Version: 3.063.08

Many thanks Pavel for the new ACPI v3.08a (2008-04-08). Unfortunately it still doesn't work here. I'll attach a bunch of logs using different parameters (uni and smp).

comment:3 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Pavel,finally it looks that your 3.08 ACPI driver solves my problem when I use: /SMP /APIC /!NOD

I've not done intensive tests yet, but at least I was able to boot and USB Mouse/Keyboard, Nikk's NVETH,... are working.

NICE!!! :D

If I'll find problems I'll let you know. The last Debug for the /SMP /APIC /!NOD will be attached in a moment. Maybe this will help to make some of the other parameter combinations work.

comment:4 by pasha, 17 years ago

Last log look good. Do you try boot without /!NOD ?

comment:5 by eco, 17 years ago


2 Pasha:

please notify me is it normal to use /!NOD or not?

comment:6 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Sorry, didn't look into this bugid for some time. Regarding "/SMP /APIC /!NOD" or "/SMP /APIC" I can only say, that it did ONLY work on my machine with "/SMP /APIC /!NOD".

For the "/SMP /APIC" result see the log I attached! ---> 04/08/08 15:45:21 I got some error with SCREEN01.SYS again and problems that were follow ups I think.

As I no longer have access to betazone (1-year subscription is over) I can only test drivers that Pavel will drop on his website. I hope the latest ACPI 3.09 does still work. I only tested a buildn created between 3.08 and 3.09. If I should test newer builds you have to provide me with the drivers as I'm currently not going to extend my subscription or you have to add me to the official beta-testers.

The only thing beside a working ACPI driver in general is now only AMD PowerNow!/Cool'n'Quite support and I'm not alone with this.

Kind regards,

  1. Ulbts

comment:7 by Steven Levine, 17 years ago

Milestone: Feedback pending

comment:8 by eco, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

OK, ACPI v.latest works for you, so let's close the ticket.

comment:9 by Steven Levine, 17 years ago

Milestone: Feedback pendingRelease version 3.10
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