Custom Query (22 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#32 dir not possible with large number of files defect major Version-3.10 Base
#33 dir can not display directory with files stored on different code pages and special characters defect major Version-3.10 Base
#73 MOVE command creates a new directory without trailing backslash in destination defect major Version-3.10 Commands
#81 FFIND /R does not search all of file defect major Base
#21 Implement @quote function to provide sane quoting Steven Levine enhancement minor Version-3.10 Functions
#30 COPY /S does not transfer starting directory EAs to target defect minor Version-3.10 Base
#35 Enhance REPLACE to handle locked files enhancement minor Version-3.10 Commands
#40 COPY /V with subsequent SYS0031 (Device not functioning) causes immediate exit of session defect minor Version-3.10 Base
#52 TREE does not appear to support ranges enhancement minor Version-3.10 Commands
#64 %? %_? %_syserr Figure when to sanely reset them to 0 set and unset interally enhancement minor Version-3.10 Base
#65 Switch does not appear to accept %+ command line separator defect minor Version-3.10 Base
#66 Implement method to override echo setting for current command. enhancement minor Version-3.10 Base
#68 attrib /a:ad /d /e /s will not recurse through unmodified directory defect minor Version-3.10 Base
#69 Add @makepath @splitpath support enhancement minor Version-3.10 Base
#74 Command history window help should be context sensitive enhancement minor Version-3.10 Base
#76 Implement intelligent trailing directory separator (backslash or slash) handling enhancement minor Version-3.10 Commands
#78 Improve 4OS2 Icons enhancement minor Version-3.10 Base
#79 @words[] give wrong results if first word is quoted defect minor Functions
#80 EXTPROC/#! and UNKNOWN_CMD should use full path enhancement minor Base
#82 ISINTERNAL reports echo.exe as an internal command defect minor Base
#36 Finer grained directory sorting enhancement trivial Version-3.10 Commands
#55 COPY /U should allow for ignoring newly-added EAs enhancement trivial Version-3.10 Commands
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.