Custom Query (21 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#2 Enlarge the scroll back buffer beyond the present 8K provided by mode assigned major Version-3.10 Base
#16 MOVE command is not compatible and needs improvement accepted Gregg Young major Version-3.10 Commands
#63 dir errors Support /Q to suppress non-fatal errors, like del or attrib /e accepted Gregg Young major Version-3.10 Base
#15 4OS2 should be symlink-aware assigned minor Version-3.10 Base
#18 Make 4OS2 more Unix-like (sane forward slash handling; sane quoting & escapes, etc.) assigned minor Version-3.10 Base
#21 Implement @quote function to provide sane quoting new Steven Levine minor Version-3.10 Functions
#35 Enhance REPLACE to handle locked files new minor Version-3.10 Commands
#39 Cannot abort copy operation in process with Ctrl-C accepted Steven Levine minor Version-3.10 Commands
#44 Add ability to filter certain keys (so the shell doesn't try to process them) accepted Gregg Young minor Version-3.10 Base
#48 Suggested enhancement to default 4START.CMD accepted Gregg Young minor Version-3.10 Base
#52 TREE does not appear to support ranges new minor Version-3.10 Commands
#64 %? %_? %_syserr Figure when to sanely reset them to 0 set and unset interally new minor Version-3.10 Base
#66 Implement method to override echo setting for current command. new minor Version-3.10 Base
#69 Add @makepath @splitpath support new minor Version-3.10 Base
#74 Command history window help should be context sensitive new minor Version-3.10 Base
#76 Implement intelligent trailing directory separator (backslash or slash) handling new minor Version-3.10 Commands
#78 Improve 4OS2 Icons new minor Version-3.10 Base
#80 EXTPROC/#! and UNKNOWN_CMD should use full path new minor Base
#36 Finer grained directory sorting new trivial Version-3.10 Commands
#55 COPY /U should allow for ignoring newly-added EAs new trivial Version-3.10 Commands
#77 Jump 4OS2 version to 4.05 assigned trivial Version-3.10 Base
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.