Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#18 assigned enhancement

Make 4OS2 more Unix-like (sane forward slash handling; sane quoting & escapes, etc.)

Reported by: Lewis Rosenthal Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: Version-3.10
Component: Base Version: 3.08
Keywords: unix path separator slash Cc:


It's great that 4OS2 can recognize slashes as path separators. However, when using autocomplete, for example, starting a path with "/" should then trigger recognition and subsequent <tab> entries should insert "/" vs "\".


[c:\]cd /somedir<tab>

results in:

[c:\]cd /somedir\

instead of:

[c:\]cd /somedir/

Example #2 - recognize "-" as a substitute for "/" when passing options to commands:

[c:\]xcopy -?

results in:

0 file(s) copied.

instead of:

Use the XCOPY command to selectively copy groups of files.
Syntax: XCOPY [drive:][path] filename [drive:][path] [...]

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Lewis Rosenthal, 11 years ago

Further examples:

[j:\]copy os2web m:\Apollo\2013-07-04\j\OS2WEB /s /e /h /q /u
SYS0003: The system cannot find the path specified. "M:\Apollo\2013-07-04\j\OS2W
SYS0003: The system cannot find the path specified. "M:\Apollo\2013-07-04\j\OS2W
 & Service Providers.sbd\NAS (formerly Ardent; CAIS).sbd"

Apparently, in one case, "[" is breaking the expansion, in spite of the quotes, and in the other, the ";" (not the "(") appears to be the stumbling block.

comment:2 by Gregg Young, 3 years ago

Owner: somebody removed
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by Gregg Young, 3 years ago

Milestone: Version-3.10
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