Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#3 closed defect (fixed)

Warpin 1.0.24 suddenly quit and won't reinstall

Reported by: mattwalsh Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: component1 Version:
Keywords: Cc:


WarpIN trap message -- Date: 2020-10-06, Time: 08:22:38

An internal error occurred in WarpIN.
Please contact the author so that this error may be removed
in future WarpIN versions. The author's e-mail address may
be obtained from the WarpIN User Guide. Please supply this
file (?:\WPITRAP.LOG) with your e-mail and describe as
exactly as possible the conditions under which the error

Running WarpIN version: 1.0.24 built Jul 28 2020
Running OS/2 version: 20.45.0 (WSeB kernel)


Exception type: C0000005
Address: 17708B44
Params: 00000000 FFFFFFFF

Explanation: An attempt was made to access a memory object which does

not belong to the current process. Most probable causes
for this are that an invalid pointer was used, there was
confusion with administering memory or error conditions
were not properly checked for.

Process information:

Process ID: 0x45
Process module: 0x9B6 (C:\SYS\INSTALL\WARPIN\WARPIN.EXE)
Trapping module: 0xA07 (C:\SYS\INSTALL\WARPIN\WPIRTL.DLL)
Object: 6

Trapping thread information:

Thread ID: 0x1 (1)
Thread slot ID: 0x70 (112)
Priority: 0x200

Exception handler:

Set by: warpin.cpp::main(int,char)()


DS = 00000053
ES = 00000053
FS = 0000150B
GS = 00000000
EAX = 00150BE0 valid, flags: read write committed
EBX = FFFFFFFE invalid address
ECX = 1B335C2C valid, flags: read write committed shared
EDX = 00450001 valid, flags: read write committed base
ESI = 00000000 not an address
EDI = 00000000 not an address

Instruction pointer (where exception occurred):

CS:EIP = 005B:17708B44 valid, flags: read write committed shared
EFLAGS = 00010216


Base: 00050E80
Limit: 00150E80
SS:ESP = 0053:001509E0 valid, flags: read write committed
EBP = 00150A60 valid, flags: read write committed

Stack frames:

Address Module seg:ofs

CS:EIP : 17708B44 WPIRTL 07:00068B44

00150A60: 00025697 WARPIN 01:00015697

between main + 0x237

and wpiStartInstallThreadFR16GUIInstallEngine - 0xBF9

00150E28: 1E189D75 WPIRTL 01:00099D75

between free + 0x3D

and _chsize - 0x73

00150E3C: 00026EBB WARPIN 01:00016EBB

between _exestart + 0x77

and _cppinit - 0x49

pulStackWord == 0

WarpIN trap message -- Date: 2020-10-06, Time: 09:29:28

An internal error occurred in WarpIN.
Please contact the author so that this error may be removed
in future WarpIN versions. The author's e-mail address may
be obtained from the WarpIN User Guide. Please supply this
file (?:\WPITRAP.LOG) with your e-mail and describe as
exactly as possible the conditions under which the error

Running WarpIN version: 1.0.24 built Jul 28 2020
Running OS/2 version: 20.45.0 (WSeB kernel)


Exception type: C0000005
Address: 17638B44
Params: 00000000 FFFFFFFF

Explanation: An attempt was made to access a memory object which does

not belong to the current process. Most probable causes
for this are that an invalid pointer was used, there was
confusion with administering memory or error conditions
were not properly checked for.

Process information:

Process ID: 0x90
Process module: 0xA07 (C:\SYS\INSTALL\WARPIN\WARPIN.EXE)
Trapping module: 0x466 (C:\SYS\INSTALL\WARPIN\WPIRTL.DLL)
Object: 6

Trapping thread information:

Thread ID: 0x1 (1)
Thread slot ID: 0x80 (128)
Priority: 0x200

Exception handler:

Set by: warpin.cpp::main(int,char)()


DS = 00000053
ES = 00000053
FS = 0000150B
GS = 00000000
EAX = 00150BE0 valid, flags: read write committed
EBX = FFFFFFFE invalid address
ECX = 1B335C2C valid, flags: read write committed shared
EDX = 00900001 invalid address
ESI = 00000000 not an address
EDI = 00000000 not an address

Instruction pointer (where exception occurred):

CS:EIP = 005B:17638B44 valid, flags: read write committed shared
EFLAGS = 00010216


Base: 00050E80
Limit: 00150E80
SS:ESP = 0053:001509E0 valid, flags: read write committed
EBP = 00150A60 valid, flags: read write committed

Stack frames:

Address Module seg:ofs

CS:EIP : 17638B44 WPIRTL 07:00068B44

00150A60: 00025697 WARPIN 01:00015697

between main + 0x237

and wpiStartInstallThreadFR16GUIInstallEngine - 0xBF9

00150E28: 1E0F9D75 WPIRTL 01:00099D75

between free + 0x3D

and _chsize - 0x73

00150E3C: 00026EBB WARPIN 01:00016EBB

between _exestart + 0x77

and _cppinit - 0x49

pulStackWord == 0

WarpIN trap message -- Date: 2020-10-06, Time: 09:31:55

An internal error occurred in WarpIN.
Please contact the author so that this error may be removed
in future WarpIN versions. The author's e-mail address may
be obtained from the WarpIN User Guide. Please supply this
file (?:\WPITRAP.LOG) with your e-mail and describe as
exactly as possible the conditions under which the error

Running WarpIN version: 1.0.24 built Jul 28 2020
Running OS/2 version: 20.45.0 (WSeB kernel)


Exception type: C0000005
Address: 17638B44
Params: 00000000 FFFFFFFF

Explanation: An attempt was made to access a memory object which does

not belong to the current process. Most probable causes
for this are that an invalid pointer was used, there was
confusion with administering memory or error conditions
were not properly checked for.

Process information:

Process ID: 0x91
Process module: 0xB64 (C:\SYS\INSTALL\WARPIN\WARPIN.EXE)
Trapping module: 0x46F (C:\SYS\INSTALL\WARPIN\WPIRTL.DLL)
Object: 6

Trapping thread information:

Thread ID: 0x1 (1)
Thread slot ID: 0x76 (118)
Priority: 0x200

Exception handler:

Set by: warpin.cpp::main(int,char)()


DS = 00000053
ES = 00000053
FS = 0000150B
GS = 00000000
EAX = 00150BE0 valid, flags: read write committed
EBX = FFFFFFFE invalid address
ECX = 1B33712C valid, flags: read write committed shared
EDX = 00910001 invalid address
ESI = 00000000 not an address
EDI = 00000000 not an address

Instruction pointer (where exception occurred):

CS:EIP = 005B:17638B44 valid, flags: read write committed shared
EFLAGS = 00010216


Base: 00050E80
Limit: 00150E80
SS:ESP = 0053:001509E0 valid, flags: read write committed
EBP = 00150A60 valid, flags: read write committed

Stack frames:

Address Module seg:ofs

CS:EIP : 17638B44 WPIRTL 07:00068B44

00150A60: 00025697 WARPIN 01:00015697

between main + 0x237

and wpiStartInstallThreadFR16GUIInstallEngine - 0xBF9

00150E28: 1E0F9D75 WPIRTL 01:00099D75

between free + 0x3D

and _chsize - 0x73

00150E3C: 00026EBB WARPIN 01:00016EBB

between _exestart + 0x77

and _cppinit - 0x49

pulStackWord == 0

Attachments (1)

wpitrap.log (8.5 KB ) - added by mattwalsh 4 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

by mattwalsh, 4 years ago

Attachment: wpitrap.log added

comment:1 by mattwalsh, 4 years ago

Thanks for any help.

comment:2 by Andreas Schnellbacher, 4 years ago

I guess you have a corrupt database. You can test this by renaming the DATBAS_?.INI file. A new one is created then. Provided that works, restore the database from a backup to get your entries back. Another option is to find the corrupt entry with an INI viewer and editor (e.g. Registry Editor or Initor), remove it and reinstall the package that had that entry.

About the reinstall: WarpIN uses its own database to add it there.

comment:3 by pr, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in upcoming 1.0.25 version.

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