Custom Query (23 matches)


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Status: closed (23 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#167 Add SSL support enhancement major QtNetwork 4.6.2
#173 Arora drawing problem while dragging defect major QtGui 4.6.2
#166 Arora web browser cannot locate to existing instance defect major QtNetwork 4.6.2
#168 Arora web browser crashes in LIBC defect major QtCore 4.6.2
#171 Arora web browser not showing web site icons defect major General 4.6.2
#141 CUPS: get cups.dll and use PDF output by default enhancement major QtGui 4.5.1 GA
#184 Crash on exit when using an embedded window on DIVE mode defect major QtGui 4.6.2
#174 DIVE mode not always disabled on Panorama defect minor QtGui 4.6.2
#144 Don't show floppy drives enhancement major QtCore
#179 Enable support for MySQL and PostgreSQL plugins enhancement major General 4.6.2
#176 Extremly poor performance of QDirIterator defect major QtCore 4.6.2
#169 Field "output file" in print dialog is missing path separator defect major QtGui 4.6.2
#175 Fix WebKit useragent string defect minor General 4.6.2
#185 Hang when calling file open dialog once or twice defect major QtGui 4.6.2
#178 Poor QNetworkDiskCache performance defect major QtNetwork 4.6.2
#170 QIcon size selection different Windows vs. OS/2 defect major QtGui 4.6.2
#177 QProcess::startDetached() fails to pass arguments defect major QtCore 4.6.2
#66 QSysInfo::OS2Ver enhancement minor QtCore 4.5.1 Beta 1
#63 Query hardware address of the network interface enhancement major QtNetwork 4.5.1 Beta 1
#183 Shift + numpad arrow keys produces numbers defect blocker QtGui 4.6.2
#172 Update to Qt 4.6.3 task blocker General 4.6.2
#191 Wrong icon shown in file dialog for "not ready" shared CD rom defect major QtGui 4.6.2
#186 quassel eats cursor defect major General 4.6.2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.