Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#257 closed defect (unknown)

ASUS M2n-TVM, ACPI 3.9, Shutdown

Reported by: eco Owned by: pasha
Priority: major Milestone: Release version 3.15
Component: ACPI PSD Version: 3.09
Keywords: Cc:


From: Nicholas Lysaght

e mail: nickl (at)


eComStation 2.0 RC5, ACPI 3.9

ACPI locks the partly shut desktop. Resetting to APM simply reboots the computer. Believe-it-or-not, ACPI (3.05?)works really well on the Beta4 installation. Cannot find that Installation Feedback Wizard anywhere now, so I'm sending this direct to you.

Other than that, it seems to be snappy, and works well. But we've only just begun....

Really quick specs: Motherboard Asus M2n-TVM, Sound usually works and detects the ALSA drivers (the one under "no sound"). Doesn't install on eCs RC5.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by eco, 17 years ago

-> Shutdown via ACPI

-> and try Q2 -> 3)

comment:2 by Steven Levine, 17 years ago

Milestone: Release version 3.10Feedback pending

comment:3 by Steven Levine, 16 years ago

Milestone: Feedback pendingRelease version 3.15
Resolution: unknown
Status: newclosed

Waited long enough for feedback

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