Opened 17 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#256 closed enhancement (wontfix)

New utility: ACPI Daemon PM

Reported by: eco Owned by: acpi-admin
Priority: major Milestone: Release 4.00
Component: Utilities Version: 3.09
Keywords: Cc:


The utility should be finished during 2008/07/week 1

From : e-co The template was prepared in june: 2008/06/19


  • add acpi daemon threads to PM version of the daemon
  • write names of drivers in progress bar

Change History (8)

comment:1 by Steven Levine, 17 years ago

Milestone: Release version 3.10Release version 3.11

comment:2 by eco, 16 years ago

"+" user doesn't see screen acpidaemon output in eCS 2.0, acpi daemon PM is silent too.

comment:3 by eco, 16 years ago

"+" PM version can notify the applications

"+" during suspend all threads are frozen, so ACPI Daemon / PM may kill PM queue.

/ACPI Daemon\

<[Pasha]> кстати с гуевым AcpiDaemon как раз на суспенде могут быть и проблемы ;-) я ж там морожу все треды, вполне может и заморозится гуевая очередь

<|e-co|mail> т.е. ты считаешь, что acpidaemon/PM может иметь такой минус

<[Pasha]> ну как-то я с этим разберусь, но проблемы могут быть

<|e-co|mail> ок. а я подумал, что acpidaemon/PM может быть полезен, чтобы

разослать всем приложениям какое-то сообщение

<[Pasha]> ну тут еще надо думать... кстати такая возможность есть

comment:4 by eco, 16 years ago

+ Users (and Mensys) start acpi daemon VIO in detach mode.. so users never see the window, logging to screen. If we create PM version then we can show progress-bars, message boxes, banners.

comment:5 by pasha, 16 years ago

Why it in ticket instead acpi-dev?

comment:6 by Steven Levine, 16 years ago

Component: ACPI.PSDACPI utilities
Milestone: Release version 3.15eCS 2.x
Owner: changed from pasha to eugene
Type: defectenhancement

Good question. It's been reassigned to Eugene and moved to a future milestone. You do not need to work on this ticket for the foreseeable future.

comment:7 by pasha, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from eugene to acpi-admin

comment:8 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Milestone: eCS 2.xRelease Version 4.0.0
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
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