Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Reporter Type Status Priority
#9 Wrapvision terminates when attempting to open mpeg files anonymous anonymous defect closed normal
#27 Error playing mp3 using UNIAUD. DART works perfect anonymous anonymous assigned normal
#29 WarpVision 1.0 RC3 crashes on playing MPEG files anonymous anonymous defect closed normal
#36 Nothing happens anonymous anonymous defect closed normal
#54 Windows Media (.wmv) streaming anonymous anonymous defect assigned normal
#63 distorted avi playback using win32 codecs in WO mode at 240 or 720 width anonymous anonymous defect closed normal
#87 MP4 scrolling does not work anonymous anonymous closed normal
#91 playing some WMV videos with WarpVision GA has problem with sync between audio and video anonymous anonymous closed normal
#97 using the wv plugin in firefox only a blanks screen is displayed and wv gui is started anonymous anonymous defect assigned normal
#111 webcam not working anymore anonymous anonymous defect assigned normal
#115 Mute button does not work properly anonymous anonymous defect closed normal
#52 WVGUI RC3 does not correctly work with WO anonymous anonymous defect closed high
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.