Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#132 closed task (fixed)

Drop HDA support from 1.1.4

Reported by: Brendan Oakley Owned by: Brendan Oakley
Priority: highest Milestone: Stabilization
Component: UNIAUD32 Version: 1.1.4RC6
Severity: normal Keywords:

Description (last modified by Brendan Oakley)

To my knowledge, there has been little to no success with any HDA hardware with any 1.1.4 build. It is not going to be made to work properly in this development path. The experimental 1.9.x builds from Paul, by the accounts I have read, generally work better, so it seems that branch fills the void left if we just take it out of 1.1.4. It is better, then, to have the driver refuse to work with HDA than to have it load and crash, freeze, stutter, and otherwise behave poorly. Particularly in a "stable" release.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Brendan Oakley, 17 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

I have done a build with HDA removed, and am awaiting testing just to be sure that the last line of Intel AC'97 hardware that works in 1.1.4 still does. In theory it should not make any difference, but we want to be sure.

Additionally, because 1.1.4 and ReSync share drv32 in common, this change affects ReSync, and I'm not completely decided how I want to handle it there, so let me think about that before I commit this.

comment:2 by Brendan Oakley, 17 years ago

Owner: set to Brendan Oakley
Priority: normalhighest

in reply to:  1 comment:3 by Brendan Oakley, 17 years ago

Replying to gentux2:

I have done a build with HDA removed, and am awaiting testing just to be sure that the last line of Intel AC'97 hardware that works in 1.1.4 still does. In theory it should not make any difference, but we want to be sure.

Test results came back fine. Even the Intel ICH6 AC'97 chips are unaffected if we remove the HDA code.

comment:4 by Brendan Oakley, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Committed in changeset:373.

Resync branch will retain the code, and it will still be compiled, but not linked in, for now.

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