Opened 17 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#129 closed defect (too-old)

Compile requires OpenWatcom > 1.6

Reported by: Brendan Oakley Owned by:
Priority: highest Milestone: Stabilization
Component: Building Version: 1.1.4RC6
Severity: blocker Keywords:


The 64-bit math bug in OW1.6 discovered in ticket #52 prevents Uniaud32 from working properly in many cases. To avoid variable results, the build process should check the version of OpenWatcom being used to build and fail with an error if <= 1.6.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Brendan Oakley, 17 years ago

Priority: normalhighest

comment:2 by martini, 5 years ago


This ticket is too old. Please try the latest version and if the problem persist, please reopen the ticket.


comment:3 by martini, 5 years ago

Resolution: too-old
Status: newclosed
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