Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#68 closed defect (fixed)

sequence 0xA9 0x20 characters in file's/folder's names on samba's shares

Reported by: digi Owned by: Silvan Scherrer
Priority: critical Milestone: Samba Server for eCS (OS/2) 1.1.0
Component: Samba Server Version: 3.0.31
Keywords: Cc:


Users can't open/create files and folders with sequence of two symbols 0xE9 0x20 in names. Also, not impossible to create folders/files with names "*е" (е = 0xE5)

(codes of characters in windows-1251 charset)

for ex.: N:\my-samba-share>ver > "123й 567.txt"

will create file with name "123" - ?!

N:\my-samba-share>ver > "123й567.txt"

will create file with name "123й567.txt" - Ok

Attachments (4) (41.1 KB ) - added by digi 16 years ago.
samba's log: writing files named "1-123й 456" and "2-123е" from windows client (342 bytes ) - added by digi 16 years ago.
archived files with "problemed" names (38.7 KB ) - added by digi 16 years ago. (44.1 KB ) - added by digi 16 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

comment:1 by Silvan Scherrer, 16 years ago

Milestone: Samba Server for eCS (OS/2) 1.1Samba Server for eCS (OS/2) 1.0.2

by digi, 16 years ago

Attachment: added

samba's log: writing files named "1-123й 456" and "2-123е" from windows client

by digi, 16 years ago

Attachment: added

archived files with "problemed" names

comment:2 by Paul Smedley, 16 years ago

digi - please recreate the logs with debug level 10 and this has some additional debug information to try and work out where the problem stems from.

by digi, 16 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:3 by Paul Smedley, 16 years ago is updated again to try and confirm where the problem comes from

comment:4 by digi, 16 years ago

Samba's & libc logs with build from last archive:

comment:5 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 16 years ago

Version: 3.0.31

comment:6 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 16 years ago

[14:26] <HerwigB> Which base OS is your Samba running on (which language flavor?) and which codepages is it configured for?
[14:27] <Digi_> samba-server on ecs 1.2.5, ecs 2.0rc6, codepage - 866
[14:27] <HerwigB> secondary codepage?
[14:28] <Digi_> CODEPAGE=866,850

comment:7 by Silvan Scherrer, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from Paul Smedley to Silvan Scherrer

this is probably fixed. testing still goes on

comment:8 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fix for 3.0
Fix for 3.3
Fix for 3.2

Note: Samba should be set to either use IBM-850 or UTF-8 as unix and display charset manually, even if the system is running on a different codepage. Codepage IBM-437 is still defective.

Also see
which are problematic in this respect on the server but absolutely necessary for the client.

comment:9 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 15 years ago

The following script tests whether codepage translation works on a given share (copy it it on to the share and run it from there):

/* Character translation test */

'@del TEST_*_*'
chunks = 128 /* a single char if chunks = 128 */

success = 0
mismatch= 0
writeerr= 0

verbose = 0

do bl = 0 to chunks-1
    call charout, '.'
    bs = 128/chunks
    if bs <> 1 then filename = "TEST_"||bl||"_"
    do I = 128+bs*bl to 128+bs*(bl+1)-1
        if bs = 1 then filename = "TEST_"||I||"_"
        filename = filename||d2c(I)
    if Verbose then call charout , filename' '
    wok = lineout(filename, 'TESTFILE')
    cok = stream(filename,'c','close')
    if wok = 0 then do /* successfully written */    
        if Verbose then say ''
        ok = SysFileTree(left(filename,lastpos("_",filename))||"*", file., "FO")
        if Verbose then call charout , filespec("N",file.1)
        if filespec("N",file.1) = filename then do
            if Verbose then say " No error!"
            success = success + 1
            ok = SysFileDelete(file.1)
        else do
            if \Verbose then call charout , filename' '
            say " Char mismatch!"
            mismatch = mismatch + 1
    else do 
        if \Verbose then call charout , filename' '
        say 'Write failure, "'wok'"'
        writeerr = writeerr + 1

say 'Successful chars  'success
say 'Mismatched chars  'mismatch
say 'Unwriteable chars 'writeerr

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