Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (148 - 150 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#18 duplicate Provide CUBE replacement Yuri Dario dmik

CUBE has a very strange interface. I don't find it logical. This makes it very hard to understand and use. Besides, it has a lot of features not needed for playing with CONFIG.SYS and on the other hand it lacks some features, in particular:

  • tracking of changes made by the package and automatic removal of them on uninstall, similar to %wps_object_delete_all.
  • automatic conversion from Unix separators to DOS separators and resolving @unixroot in paths with the (()) operator (similar to our wps-object script again).

It will be relatively easy to take wps-object.cmd as a template and make a new one for the CONFIG.SYS purposes.

#19 wontfix Provide CUBE replacement Yuri Dario dmik

CUBE has a very strange interface. I don't find it logical. This makes it very hard to understand and use. Besides, it has a lot of features not needed for playing with CONFIG.SYS and on the other hand it lacks some features, in particular:

  • tracking of changes made by the package and automatic removal of them on uninstall, similar to %wps_object_delete_all.
  • automatic conversion from Unix separators to DOS separators and resolving @unixroot in paths with the (()) operator (similar to our wps-object script again).

It will be relatively easy to take wps-object.cmd as a template and make a new one for the CONFIG.SYS purposes.

#22 wontfix Autodetect dependencies on %wps_* and %warpin_conflicts_* macros Yuri Dario dmik

It would be nice if rpmbuild could detect if the .spec file uses these macros and automatically add package depenencies on rpm-macros-wps or rpm-macros-warpin, respectively.

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