Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#218 fixed Ncftp v3.2.6 Case sensitivity. Silvan Scherrer Tellie

Case sensitivity. Here's an example:

ncftp /eCoRT/Base > cd ../

Base Net Toolkit Win WPS

ncftp /eCoRT/Base > cd ../net Could not chdir to ../net: server said: net: No such file or directory ncftp /eCoRT > cd

Here's how I got to the above parent directory "by accident" -

  1. Started in /eCoRT, where my bookmark takes me.
  2. cd Base (specified uppercase, because just typing "bas" and hitting <Tab> does not work - need an uppercase "B").
  3. downloaded my files (no problem).
  4. cd ../ <Tab>
  5. listing is shown
  6. cd ../net (lower case "n") <Enter>
  7. error message displayed, but as the first part of the path was valid (..), I ended up one level higher.
#217 fixed Ncftp v3.2.6 Bookmarks Silvan Scherrer Tellie

Bookmarks is not working atm

#216 fixed Ncftp v3.2.6 Lpage Silvan Scherrer Tellie

This don't work atm:

Lpage don't work

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.