Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#302 fixed I have updated WRC to work with rc files containing the WIDOW keyword I would like to get the RPM updated Silvan Scherrer Gregg Young
#310 fixed Perl install reports missing depedency Gregg Young

[u'ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:', 'perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta is needed by perl-core-0:5.16.1-4.i686', 'perl(DBI) >= 1.57 is needed by perl-DBD-SQLite-1.58-2.oc00.i686', 'perl(DBI) is needed by perl-DBIx-Simple-1.37-1.oc00.noarch', u'Please report this error at']

It appears that perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta gets renamed as perl-CPAN-Meta when it is installed. It installs fine by itself but it isn't recognized by the other perl packages resulting in the error.

#335 fixed tinyxml2 packaging isn't correct Gregg Young

tinyxml_dll.a is in the tinyxml2 package when it should be in tinyxml2-devel and tinyxml6.dll is in the devel package when it should be in the base package. tinyxml6.dll is also installed to the wrong directory. It is installed to bin instead of lib.

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