Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 344)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#6 Yuri Dario Yuri Dario fixed rpm: automatic requires clause for python/perl code

RPM uses an external script to automatically detect python/perl requirements and ABI version required. Not working in OS/2 port.

#8 Yuri Dario dmik invalid install fails on some packages

Doing e.g.

yum install ncurses

gives this:

Running Transaction
  Installing     : ncurses-5.7-1.i386                                       1/1
Error unpacking rpm package ncurses-5.7-1.i386
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /@unixroot/usr/share/doc/ncurses-5.7/ANNOUNCE: cpio: rename

  ncurses.i386 0:5.7-1

Unpacking the ncurses RPM manually (with unrpm) gives this:

cpio: ./@unixroot/usr/share/doc/ncurses-5.7/ANNOUNCE: Cannot change mode to r--r--r--: Permission denied
cpio: ./@unixroot/usr/share/doc/ncurses-5.7/AUTHORS: Cannot change mode to r--r--r--: Permission denied
cpio: ./@unixroot/usr/share/doc/ncurses-5.7/NEWS: Cannot change mode to r--r--r--: Permission denied
cpio: ./@unixroot/usr/share/doc/ncurses-5.7/README: Cannot change mode to r--r--r--: Permission denied
cpio: ./@unixroot/usr/share/doc/ncurses-5.7/TO-DO: Cannot change mode to r--r--r--: Permission denied
1411 blocks
#9 Yuri Dario Yuri Dario fixed rpm: %pre fails installation

dmik: the problem with %pre. A really weird one. If a package has a %pre block, install goes smoothly, but the package doesn't get into the RPM database. I.e. it installs all its files, runs all its scripts but after the installation is finished, RPM still thinks that the package is not installed.

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