Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 344)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#162 Lewis Rosenthal fixed libodin requires sed for %post scriptlet, but sed is not listed as dependency of libodin

I am only discovering this since building the i686 and pentium4 bootstrap packages, which do not include either sed or libodin. Installing libodin without sed throws a bunch of errors apparently from the %post scriptlet, though libodin seems to be installed correctly (and is able to be uninstalled).

Suggest adding sed to list of prerequisites for the package.

sed: not found
sed: not found
sed: not found
sed: not found
mkdir: cannot create directory `': No such file or directory
sed: not found

  libodin.i386 0:0.8.9-1
#173 Mat fixed "YUM version" gives an error

When entering "yum version" is gives error: Error: Error accessing file for config file:///etc/yum/version-groups.conf This file exists and can be opened with e.exe without problem.

#179 Mat fixed Is LIBICU incomplete? AOO fails with ICUUC42 error

When installing AOO-4120-GA-base-en-US.wpi it lists as one of the requirements icu. Via Yum, libicu is installed, and it contains things like icuuc.dll. However, when starting OO, it pop up an error that icuuc42 is missing. These icu* dlls where present in the program directory of OO 3. Is this a build failure of AOO 4.1.2 in that it should use icuuc.dll instead of icuuc42.dll? Or does libicu miss the *42 versions of the icu dlls, or a forwarder for it? (By the way, just copying the OO3 DLLs into the programs directory of OO412 makes the error go away but OO mostly disappears when starting). As it is, I cannot use AOO 4.1.2.

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