Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 344)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#156 Lewis Rosenthal invalid rpmdb error in bootstrap environment (1.5)

I'm working on updating the bootstrap packages for i686 and pentium4. All works well, except that at the beginning of the bootstrap console, after a long (really long) delay, the following is thrown:

rpmdb: __fop_file_setup:  Retry limit (100) exceeded
error: cannot open Sigmd5 index using db3 - File exists (17)

Note that my changes have had no bearing on the above; I get that error just using the pentium4 1.5 bootstrap with no changes. I've tried updating rpm, rpm-libs, urpo, gettext (newer rpm needs intl8), but I'm still missing something to update rpm fully, so I haven't tested whether rpm 4.8.1 might resolve the above. There seems to be something broken in the db laid down from the bootstrap, though.

After the delay and the error, yum install yum now works as expected, and after a reboot, we have a working i686 (or pentium4) setup. The delay is annoying, though. Any thoughts?

#158 Lewis Rosenthal no change needed Build bootstrap WPI files for i686 and p4 arch

I have these built and ready for review:

Updates to 1.5 build:

  1. Added gcc1.dll and forwarders to bootstrap.
  2. Added libc066.dll to bootstrap.
  3. Added libgcc1 and libgcc-fwd packages.
  4. Updated dependency on libc066 in WIS (for gcc1).
  5. Updated netlabs-rel rpm to current.
  6. Adjusted platform file (for i686).
  7. Updated installer to push (rpm -U) libgcc1 and libgcc-fwd before the yum process begins (could not get libgcc-fwd to install later in the process).
  8. Updated ReadMe, keeping references to Yuri's site. ;-)
  9. Incremented minor version number.

This is related to ticket #151.

#161 Lewis Rosenthal invalid %post scriptlet can't fork (info-5.2-2.oc00.pentium4)

Installing info-5.2-2.oc00.pentium4 (all other packages up to date as of this report), I get:

  Installing : info-5.2-2.oc00.pentium4                                     1/1

LIBC fork: Child aborting fork()! rc=0xfffffffc
pid=0x0476 ppid=0x0475 tid=0x0001 slot=0x00dc pri=0x0200 mc=0x0000 ps=0x0010
LIBC066 0:00001e28
cs:eip=005b:1d271e28      ss:esp=0053:0012cf2c      ebp=0012cf34
 ds=0053      es=0053      fs=150b      gs=0000     efl=00010212
eax=00000040 ebx=7cde1980 ecx=15040000 edx=00000018 edi=00000000 esi=15040000
Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it.
Non-fatal POSTIN scriptlet failure in rpm package info-5.2-2.oc00.pentium4
error: Couldn't fork %post(info-5.2-2.oc00.pentium4): Interrupted system call

I haven't looked at the scriptlet (the .spec is not in SVN, here), so I can't say what might be causing the trouble. FWIW, info does seem to install and run correctly (not heavily tested, yet).

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