
Version 300 (modified by Guillaume Gay, 11 years ago) (diff)

Update-O-Meter : application count upgrade fir the Happy New Year (from 220 to 224)

Qt Applications for OS/2

This resource is a home for OS/2 versions of various Qt applications (i.e., applications based on the Qt Library) ported using the Qt3 Toolkit for OS/2 or the Qt4 Toolkit for OS/2.

The purpose of this resource is to store OS/2-related changes to the source code of those Qt applications for which it is impossible to integrate these changes to the official code base maintained by original developers.

Every application maintained here has its own SVN subdirectory containing the modified source tree that can be built under OS/2, as well as the separate application's home (wiki) page.

Adding Apps to this page

If you add an app or change the version of an app, please always add a comment in the change information. This makes life a lot easier, as it's seen in the timeline directly. Otherwise one has always to look at the diff. Also add the original project web site.

Additional software prerequisites

It is strongly recommended to install from the WPI packages, if not using RPM.

kLibc 0.6.5 LibraryWPIkLibc Runtime libraries required by all Qt Apps (usually already installed for Qt4).
GCC 4 Core LibrariesWPIGCC 4 runtime libraries required by all Qt Apps (usually already installed for Qt4, but this wpi gets updated regulary when new gccxxx.dll are around).

If you use RPM you should install the following, if not already done:
yum install libgcc gcc-stack-protector gcc-stdc++-shared-library gcc-supc++-shared-library

List of all ported applications

Qt3 based applications

Qt4 based applications

224 applications can be found in the categories below (as of January 24th 2013).

Recent changes

Qt4 pages

Qt3 pages


Reporting bugs and requesting new features is done through the ticket system. You can view existing tickets, add comments to them and create new tickets using the corresponding buttons at the top of every page. If you want to submit a new bug or request a feature, please use the Search function first to make sure there is no ticket for this task already created.
We review the tickets regulary and leave comments if we need more info. So please revisit the Feedback analysis as often as possible. If we leave comment and don't get feedback from the ticket creator, we will close the ticket after some weeks.

Anonymous access to the ticket system has been restricted due to multiple attacks of stupid spammers we've been suffering from lately. In order to create a new ticket or comment the existing one, you need to login with your Netlabs login id. If you do not have a login id, you can request one at We are sorry for inconvenience, but at the present time this is the only way to avoid extremely annoying spam.

Mailing Lists

Resource discussion is done through mailing list conversations. Currently, the following mailing lists are available:

  • qtapps-user()

This mailing list is intended to discuss the usage of Qt applications for OS/2 hosted on this resource. Announces of new releases are also posted to this list.
Send an e-mail to qtapps-user-subscribe() to subscribe.

  • qtapps-dev()

This mailing list is for developers of Qt applications for OS/2. All ticket changes are automatically posted to this list. Please don't post user questions there!
Send an e-mail to qtapps-dev-subscribe() to subscribe.
