wiki:QT4 Multimedia

Multimedia applications

Below is a list of all known multimedia Qt4 applications that are available for OS/2 and eCS. Either maintained here or in the orginal code base. Entries are sorted in alphabetical order.

NameVersionDL LinkDescriptionWeb siteUpdate Info
2mp30.0.1ZipA simple Qt4 frontend for the lame encoder and Mplayer.
Abby0.4.8ZipA front-end for the streaming tool cclive.AbbyChanged to v4.6.2 GA
Clipgrab3.5.57ZDownload online clips from many sites with just some clicks (You can turn widget off) (1) (2).ClipGrabQt v4.7.3
Coquillo1.12ZipCoquillo is a metadata editor for various audio file formats.CoquilloQt v4.7.3
CUE/WAV Extract Utility1.1ZipThis is an utility for batch extraction of individual tracks from .CUE/.WAV audio disk images, which for instance, are created by Exact Audio Copy software.CUE/WAV ExtractQt v4.7.3
EMoC0.9.1bZipA simple application, front end for ffmpeg and mencoder command line programs.EMoCChanged to GA
feff1.9.27ZFeff is a GUI front for ffmpeg.FeffQt v4.7.3
Flacon1.2.0ZipFlacon extracts individual tracks from one big audio file containing the entire album of music and saves them as separate audio files.FlaconQt v4.7.3
fmpegGUI1.0ZipffmpegGUI is a frontend to ffmpeg that allow you to set most important conversion parameters.FFmpeg-gui
Flashrip0.4ZipAllows you to rip Youtube videos and convert them to a MP3 or OGG file.FlashripQt v4.7.3
Lyrics0.5.1ZipA small application which enables the user to get the lyrics of a desired song.Lyrics
Mediadownloader1.5.2ZipAn opensource software that lets you search, watch and download items with Google Image and YouTube. (2)MediadownloaderQt v4.7.3
MooSick ZipMooSick Music Player is an Open-Source Music Player.MooSick
MP3Diags1.3.047ZA Qt GUI-based application that allows end-users to identify issues with their MP3 files. (2)MP3DiagsQt v4.7.3
Nomnom0.1.2ZipNomNom is an application for downloading videos from Youtube and other similar video websites that require Adobe Flash.Nomnom
Qoobar1.6.77ZA GUI ID3 tag editor.QoobarQt v4.7.3
QSubRip0.07ZipQSubRip rips subtitles from decrypted DVD's and converts them to text based subtitles (eg. SRT, QuickTime, ...).QSubRip
Qtagger1.0.1ZipqTagger is a simple application designed editing id3-tag mp3-files.Qtagger
Qt Easy Video Encoder0.3.2ZipQEVEN allows to encode for several video format (VCD,DVD,SVCD,DIVX,XVID,FLV).QEVENUpdated with languages and Changed to GA
SMPlayer17.1.0ZipThe ultimate MPlayer front-end (1).SMplayerupdated to SMPlayer 16.4.0
SMTube16.7.2ZipYouTube enhancement for SMPlayerSMPlayerupdated to SMTube 16.3.0
SubMix0.1bZipThis program joins two subtitle files, so you can see the film in two different languages.SubmixQt v4.7.3
SubNamer1.0.1ZipRenames automatically a great amount of subtitle files *.srt.SubNamerBased on GA
Torrent File Editor0.3.0ZipQt based GUI tool designed to create and edit .torrent files (2)Torrent File EditorUpdated to Ver. 0.3.0
VideoCut0.3.0ZipVideoCut is an open source desktop application specially created for capturing screenshots from video filesVideoCutThis fork implements ffmpeg backend


1 - The application uses the System Tray widget.

2 - Update available in a higher Qt version.

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