wiki:QT4 Networking

Network / Networking / Internet applications

Below is a list of all known networking and Internet related Qt4 applications that are available for OS/2 and eCS. Either maintained here or in the orginal code base. Entries are sorted in alphabetical order.

NameVersionDL LinkDescriptionWeb siteUpdate Info
Arora0.11.0bInstallerA lightweight cross-platform web browser. It uses the QtWebKit port of the fully standards-compliant WebKit layout engine. It features fast rendering and a powerful JavaScript engine.Arora home
BCChat2.1ZipBCChat is developed with the aim to create a chat application which can be run on any network.
Beebeep5.1.07ZBeeBEEP is a secure network chat. You can talk and send files with all your friends inside a local area network such of an office, home or internet cafe without a server (1) (2).BeebeepQt v4.7.3
BingDownloader1.0ZipBing Downloader - will allow you to see last 10 images from Bing search engine.N/AQt v4.7.3
CutyCapt2013-07-14ZipCutyCapt is a command line utility to save a web page into a variety of vector and bitmap formats.CutyCaptQt v4.7.3
cvswatch1.6.37ZCvsWatch is an interface to CVS (Concurrent versions system) that allows to easily check and modify the status of files that are stored both locally and remotely inside a CVS repository.CvswatchQt v4.7.3
Dooble1.537ZDooble is a platform-independent Open Source Web browser. (2)DoobleQt v4.7.3
Drss0.3.5ZipA simple news reader. These programs are also called aggregators.
EasyWake3.0ZipEasyWake is a Wake-on-LAN manager.EasyWake
Facebook1.0ZipSimple and stylish Facebook application.Facebook
fourchan1.7.07Zfourchan-dl (4chan Downloader) is a simple tool to download images from 4chan threads.4chan-DLQt v4.7.3
gherald0.47ZGmail Herald is a handy, easy to use Qt 4 based software specially designed to alert you when you have new Gmail messages (1).Gherald
Goldbug0.187ZGoldBug is a secure Instant Messenger. You can be sure with using GoldBug (GB), that no third party can look into your chat communication.GoldbugQt v4.7.3
IPQalc1.1ZipA small utility for IP address calculations including broadcast and network addresses as well as Cisco wildcard mask.IPQalc
yoDownet2014.03.97ZyoDownet is an open-source and free graphical download manager project that tries to be simple and minimal.yodownetQt v4.7.3
kawaii-emoji-messenger0.1Beta17ZKawaii Emoji Messenger is a multiplatform Facebook client based on the idea of bringing emoji on desktop. Through Kawaii Emoji Messenger you can use a full set of emoji in you Facebook conversations, statuses and comments in the easiest way.KawaiiQt v4.7.3
Lightweight21.9ZipLightweight2 is a very small Browser.Lightweight2Since 0.5 version, OS/2 specific changes are included in the official sources.
Linksaver2.1.2.5ZipA Simple bookmark manager application (1).LinkSaver
MovieOrganiser1.0.0ZipQt4 Gui based aplication, which tries to download details from imdb to movies on your hdd.MovieOrganiser
natrix-calc2.37zGeneric IP calculator tool written on Qt framework with ability to calculate parameters of IPv4/IPv6 networks.Natrix-calcQt v4.7.3
NetFleet0.2.1ZipNetFleet is a multi-threaded download utility (1).NetFleet
oragir0.2.1bZipAlternative multipltform client for LiveJournal web-based service (1).OragirQt v4.7.3
PhantomJS1.0.0ZipPhantomJS is a minimalistic headless WebKit.PhantomJS
Psi0.15ZipPsi is a free instant messaging application designed for the XMPP network (1).Psiupdated zip with readme.os2 and some missing files
Psi0.16-devZipPsi is a free instant messaging application designed for the XMPP network (1).Psiupdated to 0.16 snapshot (update 7, enabled spellchecker, rebuilt with libcx)
Pumpa0.9.2ZipPumpa is a simple client written in C++ and Qt.PumpaThis release use Tidy, Markdown, Aspell and Qjson
Qbittorrent3.1.12ZipA bittorrent client (1).QBittorrentUpdated to 3.1.12
QBrows1.0ZipSmall web browser.QBrows
QChat0.3ZipQChat is a crossplatform LAN chat (1).QChat
qftp1.5.87ZQFtp is a user interface for Ftp file transfer.QftpQt v4.7.3
QlinkSaver2.0ZipSimple bookmark manager application.QlinkSaverQt v4.7.3
quban0.7.57ZQuban is a Qt4 program to download encoded articles from the usenet news service.QubanQt v4.7.3
Qupzilla1.8.97ZQupZilla is a new and one of many Qt WebKit Browsers available here.QupzillaQt v4.7.3
Q-uma1.0ZipQ-Uma download manager a GUI front-end for GNU Wget (1).
qShare2.1.5ZipqShare is an easy to use FTP server written in Qt with a built-in service discovery feature (1).qShareQt v4.7.3
QSpeedTestr43ZipA GUI tool written in C++ and Qt for evaluating the latency and speed.QSpeedTest
QTgmail0.1ZipThis a GMail notifier clone (1).
QuiteRSS0.18.47ZQuiteRSS is a RSS/Atom feed reader written in C++/Qt4 (1).QuiteRSSQt v4.7.3
QtWeb3.7ZipQtWeb is a compact, secure, portable and fast web browser having some unique UI and privacy features.QtWeb
QTXPost0.3.4ZipQTXPost is a blog client programmed in C++ / Qt4, with the main focus on simultaneous crossposting.QTXPost
Quassel0.10.0URLA graphical IRC client (1).Quassel
Rapidshare Downloader0.5.0ZipRapidshare Downloader is a simple application that allows you to download your files from (premium account).Rapidshare Downloader
Rssguard3.1.07ZRSS Guard is useful and (very) tiny RSS 0.92/1.0/2.0 & ATOM 1.0 feed reader (1) (2).RSSguardQt v4.7.3
Rub2.0.2ZipRub is intended to be a prompt and simple notifier on rss feeds (1).Rub
Scythia 0.9.3ZipScythia is a simple FTP client (1).Scythia
Serverlog1.1.6ZipServerLog is a small application that sniffs the server/client communications between the other applications presented here when they are running in server mode.serverlogQt v4.7.3
Socializer1.1ZipSimple and stylish Facebook application.SocializerSocializer 1.1 is a Facebook 1.0 update
Surfer1.0ZipSurfer is a simple web browser on QtWebKit that focus on usability.Surfer
TickVue0.11.01ZipWith TickVue you can track the stock market in nearly real-time.TickVue
tpaint0.2Zipqt4-based simple program to paint together through internet.Tpaint
TransferMe1.02ZipThis program helps you to share files over the network.Transferme
yourownnewsmaker1.3ZipIt allows you to grab rss and atom feeds and just simple web-pages and covert them to pdf or fb2 files (1).yourownnewsmaker
Vidalia0.2.21ZipVidalia is a cross-platform graphical controller for the Tor software, built using the Qt framework (1).VidaliaUpdated libraries. Enabled UPnP discovery function.
Webissues1.1.37ZWebIssues is an open source, multi-platform system for issue tracking and team collaboration (1).WebIssuesQt v4.7.3
WebMonX0.3.3ZipWebMonX monitors websites for updates and changes - it saves you time and always keeps you up-to-date by periodically checking these pages at set intervals (1).WebMonX


1 - The application uses the System Tray widget.

2 - Update available in a higher Qt version.

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Last modified 17 months ago Last modified on Oct 21, 2023, 4:59:05 AM
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