wiki:QT4 Scientific

Version 23 (modified by Tellie, 12 years ago) (diff)

Updated freshmemory 1.0.2

Scientific applications, calculators

Below is a list of all kind of known scientific Qt4 applications that are available for OS/2 and eCS. Either maintained here or in the orginal code base. Entries are sorted in alphabetical order.

NameVersionDL LinkDescriptionWeb siteUpdate Info
Calcus0.1ZipCalcus is a cross-platform scriptable calculator based on Qt and QtScript.Calcus
ehm0.6Zipehm is a simple calculator.ehm
freshmemory1.0.2ZipFresh Memory is an application that helps to learn large amounts of any material with Spaced Repetition method.FreshmemoryQt v4.7.3
jmnsishelper0.2zipThis tool should help create and edit NSIS-Scripts.jmnsishelper
Kalkulon3.0.1.4ZipA programmable expression calculator for programmers (1).Kalkulon
MatrixCalc0.1ZipIt is matrices calculator.MatrixCalc
mcroises2011.06.9ZipIt helps French, English, Italian, Spanish and German crosswords players to find words when they know a few letters.mcroises
Qconvert1.0ZipA Lightweight & cross-platform Unit Conversion Tool. Changed to GA
QEasyCalc0.1ZipQEasyCalc is a simple RPN calculator.QEasyCalc
QPeriodicTable0.5.8ZipA periodic table written in Qt 4. Inspired by the great kde app Kalzium.QPeriodensystemQt v4.7.3
QtGrace0.1.5ZipQtGrace is a version of Grace based on the Qt-SDK by Nokia. QtGrace/Grace is a program to display or plot data, analyze data and prepare it for printing.QtGrace
SunCalculator0.9.8ZipCalculate Sunrise, Sunset and dawn times.SuncalculatorQt v4.7.3
xgrabcolor1.3.3Zipxgrabcolor is a basic color picker.Xgrabcolor


1 - The application uses the System Tray widget.

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