Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 121)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#116 fixed BiblioteQ-2016.09.04-os2 multiple defects ak120

First problem is with documentation, following the yum/rpm route will not be successful. 3 DLL files are not available: *gcrypt20.dll *gpg-err0.dll *gtls28.dll

Also the zip instructions don't work. Please change in README.os2: -> -> which contain the correct DLL files and also mention that they will be required additionally to yum/rpm installation method.

Further the icon of the biblioteq.exe is garbled using this malformed book.ico from file book.ico.

But now the most critical, it's not possible to use the program to connect to any SQLite *.sqlite file.

There is only a message box "BiblioteQ: Database Error" that tells about not having a driver to connect. In this condition the program becomes totally useless.

#117 not a bug SMTube does not connect David McKenna

Using SMPlayer 16_8_0 and SMTube 16_7_2 with Mplayer 1.3.0. SMPlayer plays videos from disc just fine. If I start SMTube from the SMPlayer tool bar icon, I get a window 'Results for Category Popular' and a list of ridiculous videos. Clicking on one of the videos does nothing except produce a message in the lower left corner of the SMPlayer window 'unable to retrieve the YouTube? page'. The SMPlayer playlist shows the URL of the video in the list, but even hitting 'play' for that produces the same error message.

#118 fixed Broken link / file missing guzzi

The following file is not on the server:

There might be more files missing, certainly a few other releases of qbittorrent.

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