Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 121)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#86 David McKenna invalid Can't add new search engine to qBittorrent

Any attempt to add a new search engine plugin in qBittorrent 3.1.9 results in 'search engine plugin could not be installed' message.

#89 guzzi not a bug QTbrowsers no longer work with https

Qupzilla and Dooble browsers can no longer connect securely. This -also- goes for older versions. Something must have broken or changed in the api of whatever the browsers use for secure connections.

#90 guzzi fixed Dooble 1.50 does not connect using https

Latest version of Dooble shows sinilar https connection problems as earlier versions did before the update of

Also it puts the .dooble directory in the installation directory instead of in x:\home\default\

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