Opened 14 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#188 closed enhancement (wontfix)

DragText support for Qt

Reported by: Grimus Owned by:
Priority: trivial Milestone:
Component: General Version: Unknown
Severity: low Keywords:


Can Qt apps (like Quassel) be enabled for text drag and drop with DragText? It's one of the coolest GUI features under eCS and works across web browser, text editor, even command line - would be nice to be able to drag text in and out of Qt apps.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 14 years ago

Can you describe in more detail what do you mean by "be enabled for text drag and drop with DragText"? I'm not familiar with DragText so can't easily figure that out.

As for "drag text in and out of Qt apps", you can already do it. At least, text DnD works between Qt and Mozilla apps and between Qt and all PM controls that support DnD in CF_TEXT format (though it seems that even the standard multi-line entry field doesn't, same with the single line entry fields -- you can neither drag out nor drop in to these controls). And you can even drag an URL from a Qt app (e.g. from the standard File Open dialog) and drop it to the Desktop -- it will become a file object (a shadow IIRC). If you drop a piece of text to the Desktop, it will become a data object containing this text.

comment:2 by Grimus, 14 years ago

DragText is a utility that allows dragging text from multiline and single line entry fields, VIO windows, etc. Advanced features are opening folders while dragging objects, pasting file information or file content depending on additional keys pressed etc.

I am not in front of my eCS machine at the moment but just recognized that I could not drag any text within quassel yesterday. Will try again when I am back at my workstation later this week.

However, if all the functionality is already there within Qt, it might rather be a feature request for DragText going forward.

comment:3 by Silvan Scherrer, 14 years ago

Priority: majortrivial

Yes it's a feature request. And as Rich already did that for Mozilla he could also add a patch here, or at least show us what he had to do in Mozilla to get it working. Right now we don't have the resources to do such things.
I leave the ticket open, but i set the priority to trivial.

comment:4 by Grimus, 14 years ago

Just a comment on drag and drop - works in Quassel, if one uses the left mouse button as in windows. You can even drop text on a titlebar to open a DTClip window or drop into VIO windows. Just more advanced features do not work, like converting an URL text into a URL object on the fly, or automatically setting the right name for the text file on WPS.

Could that be an issue with using the left mouse button for drag and drop? Isn't it easy to use the right mouse button for this as usual under OS/2?

comment:5 by Alex Taylor, 7 years ago

FWIW, using the current Qt4 at least, DragText seems to work just fine with it.

comment:6 by Silvan Scherrer, 6 years ago

Milestone: Qt Enhanced

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:7 by Silvan Scherrer, 6 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

please open a ticket at if it's not working like it should with Qt 5

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