Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (151 - 153 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#191 fixed Wrong icon shown in file dialog for "not ready" shared CD rom rudi

Accessing a Windows 7 system using NetDrive?, the remote CD ROM drive gets assigned a Qt-default folder icon instead of a "native" one. This happens due to the fact, that WinLoadFileIcon? fails when there is no disk in the drive. Find patch attached. Please review.

#192 fixed qt-lib-4_6_3-noxwpdep.wpi broken rudi

The packages 1 ("Installation Utilities") and 2 ("Runtime") are swapped, resulting in an nonfunctional installation.

#194 fixed qt-dev-4_6_3.wpi sets wrong documentation path in qtsys.conf rudi

The installer for the development package sets the path to the documentation in qtsys.conf to <installation directory>. However, it should point to <installation directory>/doc. Please check dev.wis.tpl, line 37.

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