Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#171 fixed Arora web browser not showing web site icons rudi

The Arora browser doesn't show web site icons in the menus and page tabs, even though the requested web site does provide favicon.ico.

This appears to be a multi-platform bug in Webkit. According to:

it has been fixed in 4.6.3.

#172 fixed Update to Qt 4.6.3 Silvan Scherrer

Update the Qt code base to the upstream version to 4.6.3 from Nokia.

#173 fixed Arora drawing problem while dragging rudi

The Arora browser allows a bookmark to be dragged out of the "History" menu using the left mouse button. On OS/2 this will cause a screen update error. This happens in in both DIVE and GPI modes.

I noticed an interresting difference in behaviour between OS/2 and Windows: While in Windows the menu stays open until the item is dropped, in OS/2 it closes immediately when the drag begins. It looks like this is part of the problem...

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