Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#193 wontfix Reconsider usage of native file dialogs rudi

With respect to it might be worth to consider the implementation of "native" file dialogs. Of course this feature should be configurable so that users that don't have this extension installed won't end up with the original one.

#192 fixed qt-lib-4_6_3-noxwpdep.wpi broken rudi

The packages 1 ("Installation Utilities") and 2 ("Runtime") are swapped, resulting in an nonfunctional installation.

#191 fixed Wrong icon shown in file dialog for "not ready" shared CD rom rudi

Accessing a Windows 7 system using NetDrive?, the remote CD ROM drive gets assigned a Qt-default folder icon instead of a "native" one. This happens due to the fact, that WinLoadFileIcon? fails when there is no disk in the drive. Find patch attached. Please review.

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