Custom Query (8 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#198 modal child widgets go to background defect major 4.6.3 low
#203 Corruption of VLC window defect minor 4.6.3 low
#218 Missing QFont::handle() body defect major 4.6.3 low
#237 Provide standard icons in higher resolutions task minor low
#239 QFileSystemModel::setRootPath doesn't convert separators defect major low
#204 Misplacing an embedded window of VLC defect major 4.6.3 medium
#249 Qt Creator not painting it's main window interior defect major medium
#222 Instantiating QApplication modifies floating point control word. defect major high
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.