Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (286 - 288 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#93 Silvan Scherrer wontfix ASSERT

openpref card game

gives the following problem: ASSERT: "!activationRecursionGuard" in file wigdet\qmenu.cpp line 961

to reproduce do the following: start openpref Menu Game New Game play a couple of moves Menu Game now it quits and gives the above error.

#188 Grimus wontfix DragText support for Qt

Can Qt apps (like Quassel) be enabled for text drag and drop with DragText?? It's one of the coolest GUI features under eCS and works across web browser, text editor, even command line - would be nice to be able to drag text in and out of Qt apps.

#226 rudi fixed Make QMLViewer help output a window

On OS/2 QMLViewer should output it's help message in a window instead of sending it to the console.

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