Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (199 - 201 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#245 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed qtdemo does not show example docs in assistant

If you start qtdemo, select an example and press the Documentation button at the bottom, the assistant application starts but it will not navigate to the requested page and will show the previous page (if you visited any) or the home page (otherwise).

Running qtdemo.exe -verbose shows that the URL sent by it to assistant is correct (doing assistant.exe -showUrl <url> from the command line works perfectly).

qtdemo talks to assistant through the QProcess communication channel AFAIR. This may be a regression of our latest QProcess changes.

#246 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed QML plugins cannot be loaded

While playing with the QtDemo? application and QML demos/examples, I found that QtDeclarative cannot load its plugins (located in the imports subdirectory). Of course, due to the fact we use short DLL names.

A solution needs to be found.

#249 rudi fixed Qt Creator not painting it's main window interior

When starting Qt Creator (DIVE mode, SNAP) the main window interior is not painted. The window has to be moved or resized manually in order to be drawn. This is most likely a regression of the recent changes in the drawing code.

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