Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#83 Silvan Scherrer invalid QWidget::create()

while testing blubbels i saw the following: QWidget::create(): WinCreateWindow?(WC_FRAME) failed with 0x00081034 QWidget::create(): WinCreateWindow? failed with 0x00081001

when building the app as debug app all works

game.cpp needs a #ifndef Q_OS_OS2 search for use_sound = on; and change this to

#ifndef Q_OS_OS2 use_sound = on; #else use_sound = false; #endif


#90 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Resizing top level window using top border breaks mouse coordinates

If you resize the top level window by grabbing its top border and moving it up, mouse coordinates (as seen by Qt) are broken somehow (approximately) by the dimension of the vertical resize.

This can be seen for instance in the standard QFileDialog: after the described resize, pressing mouse in the family selector list box will select an item above the actual mouse location.

#91 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Main menu bar is not always redrawn

If you move the mouse pointer over the main menu bar, the menu item below the pointer gets sunken (classic windows style) and then gets restored when the mouse pointer leaves its rectangle. Sometimes this doesn't happen: the menu item may be left sunken after the mouse leaves it or vice versa, it may not change to sunken when the mouse enters it.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.