Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (220 - 222 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#273 Tellie invalid Error when building Tea

When builing tea i get this error due the make:

EK_LIBC__ -D__GNUC__ quazipfile.h -o moc_quazipfile.cpp
make: Circular install_target <- first dependency dropped.
make: Circular install_target_debuginfo <- first dependency dropped.
copy "bin\tea.exe" "\usr\local\bin\tea.exe"
SYS0002: The system cannot find the file specified.
        0 file(s) copied.
make: *** [install_target] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

Source is @

#274 herwigb fixed Qt FileDialog locks up machine with Core 2 Quad, but works with Core 2 Duo

On my ThinkCentre A57 powered by a Core 2 Quad I noticed immediately after (manual) installation that the machine will lockup solidly when clicking around in the Qt FileDialog attempting to open a file.

This happens for any Qt App I tried, most notably for SMPlayer.

If I disable one or more cores of the Quad the lockup is still there.

Today I swapped the Core 2 Quad CPU for a Core 2 Duo CPU and the problem completely goes away (that IMHO rules out a faulty installation as Silvan suspected). After going back to the Core 2 Quad, the problem is there again.

#276 Yagiza wontfix Port QtMultimedia module

Qt4 port for OS/2(eCS) in its current state has no QtMultimedia? so it lacks of multimedia features. So, porting of the most multimedia applications is impossible now. Now I'm working on an XMPP client with VoIP implemented via Jingle. Of course, VoIP features are using QtMultimedia?, 'cause there is no other way to interact with audio device in Qt. So, there will be no VoIP support in OS/2 version of the application until Qt4 for OS/2 will have QtMultimedia? module.

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