Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#106 Silvan Scherrer invalid Crash in PMMERGE

when doing the following smplayer crashes in PMMERGE

-executing smplayer -running a movie -stop the movie -preferences , advanced, run mplayer in own window (add checkmark) -running a movie -stop the movie -preferences, advanced , run mplayer in own window (remove checkmark) -running a movie

now smplayer crashes while resizing itself

#108 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed File dialog is very slow if there is a lot of files to display

I found that QFileDialog behaves really slow (gives 100% CPU load) if you enter a directory containing 100+ files.

#109 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed QFSfileEngine doesn't set RootFlag for drives

As a result, QFileInfo::isRoot("X:/") returns false. This confuses QDirModel and makes intefaces using it (e.g. examples\itemviews\dirview or the mp3diags file tree view) look really wrong, see the screenshot.

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