Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (142 - 144 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#54 David McKenna fixed No forwarder for gcc482.dll

The recent update to gcc1.dll contains forwarders for all the old gccxxx.dll files, except gcc482.dll. Intentional or oversight?

#57 abwillis invalid Missing gccxxx forwarders

As in #54 there are a couple other forwarders missing. gcc447.dll and as gcc335 looks to have been forwarded then I would guess gcc346.dll could as well I would guess that gcc322.dll is sufficiently different to not be forwarded but if it can then it would be good too.

#62 Silvan Scherrer psmedley fixed My diffs for Boost 1.57.0

My patches (Work-in-progress) for Boost 1.57.0

Note that b2.exe won't currently mkdir correctly, so to build I had to manually create a bunch of directories for the various libs

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