Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (181 - 183 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#183 dmik fixed git config --remove-section XYZ fails


  1. git init
  2. git config foo bar
  3. git config --remove-section foo

The last one fails with:

error: chmod on D:/Coding/qt5/t/.git/config.lock failed: Permission denied

Discovered within

#185 Gregg Young fixed Poppler exhausts OS2's semaphore handles when opening large pdfs

Poppler has 13 classes that create a new semaphore for each class object. Created in the constructor destroyed in the distructor. With large documents the number can grow to exhaust the 65,535 available semaphore handles.

The fix should be relatively easy. Make the semaphores statics. Create in the constructor only if they don't exist then destroy in the exit code. I can do the fix but what should I checkout vendor/current or the trunk? Anything special needed to build it?

Note qpdfview suffers from the same problem. It is possible poppler is leaking semaphore handle but if it is it is at a very slow rate. The problem seems worse in later versions.

See Lucide ticket 355 for more details.

#189 rlange duplicate failure installing openssh through yum

When attempting to install openssh-clients through ANPM or the yum command line, I get the following error:

Error unpacking rpm package openssh-clients-5.9p1-1.oc00.i686 error: unpacking of archive failed: cpio: read

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