Custom Query (15 matches)


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Results (13 - 15 of 15)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4 robert francoeur fixed freze at pmshell

freeze at pmshell with acpi 3.21.04 smp mode

asus m3a78-em video ati hd4670

note the log file with acpi /PIC


#6 David Azarewicz tellie fixed Screen is a mess

Hi David,

First all the best for 2013 :)

I tried all the newer panorama's so far. The latest works the best so far, alto the screen is coming up. But i can only get is work if i let in the config.sys the basedev=atombios.sys Lemme describe what i do: First i rem the basedev=atombios.sys Then i go to cmd line and do in panorama dir: To reset the Presentation Manager selected resolution to 800x600 PanoUtil? -p c: then run the panorama installer. Reboot, and then i see the desktop coming up and looks like this. (See picture) If i remout the basedev=atombios.sys and restart i get my normal screen back :)

Any idea ...

#7 fido wontfix Screen margins

I have samsung B2440 23.6" monitor. Panorama finds the correct resolution of 1920x1080. The desktop is bigger than the screen on both sides by about 5cm. I can't see the start button on the left or the clock on the right hand side. The connection to the monitor is VGA.

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