Opened 19 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#53 closed defect (fixed)

Document scrolling doesn't work

Reported by: pr Owned by: Eugene Romanenko
Priority: blocker Milestone:
Component: Lucide Core Version: 1.0 Beta 2
Keywords: Cc:


Vertical and horizontal scroll bars do nothing.
The Up/Down/Left/Right arrow keys do nothing either.
You would expect to be able to scroll round a document this way, but apparently not. This makes it impossible to see the bottom of any standard A4 size page for example, if you are in "Fit Width" mode. The more you are zoomed in, the worse the problem becomes.

Change History (14)

comment:1 by Eugene Romanenko, 19 years ago

It happens for all documents? Scroll bars is enabled? It happens in single-page or continuous mode? Or both?

comment:2 by pr, 19 years ago

This gets more weird. After restarting, I can now scroll.
Setting Default Page Layout as Continuous seems to affect something, but I'm not sure what.
After restarting again, I can now not scroll again. What is going on here?

comment:3 by Eugene Romanenko, 19 years ago

When you can't scroll, scroll bars enabled or disabled? If enabled, how it looks: you drag scrollbar, but document doesn't scrolls or what?

comment:4 by Eugene Romanenko, 19 years ago

Which you screen resolution?

Try with document with one/two pages, then with multipage. Any differences?

comment:5 by Eugene Romanenko, 19 years ago

comment:6 by Rudi, 19 years ago

The new exe seems to cure it for me. Even though after the first start, "continuous" mode didn't work, which later fixed itself somehow.

comment:7 by Eugene Romanenko, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in changeset [81]

comment:8 by pr, 18 years ago

It works sometimes for me, and not other times. There is no readily deducible pattern to it. The new EXE file is no better in this regard than the old one. Either way, the thing is completely unusable for any non-trivial task.

In Single page mode, I can use page up/down to change pages, but I cannot scroll within the page - the scroll bars do nothing and are stuck at the top/left respectively. In Continuous mode, I can't do anything - selecting the page on the bar thing at the left does nothing, the scroll bars do nothing. The only part of the document I can see is the top left part of page 1.

Why has this bug been closed when you haven't had any feedback from the originator? Isn't TRAC a shit system? Jesus, I can't even login to it to create new bugs. I wonder if this will post....

comment:9 by Eugene Romanenko, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

It looks like you isn't replaced .exe. Please re-download, replace .exe and .lng and also check version number in About dialog - it should display version as 'Beta 2.1'.

I reopened bug and waiting you feedback.

comment:10 by ktk, 18 years ago

pr please watch your language, annoying the developers is not really the way to go. I had to close anonymous access to TRAC because it got spammed a lot, in case one does not have a user at netlabs one can use the username "guest" and the password "netlabs" to post to the TRAC.

comment:11 by pr, 18 years ago

How many times do you need to be told that this doesn't work? I tried netlabs/guest and guest/netlabs - you just get endless login prompts. I am NOT the only person who cannot get it to work.
Why is there no way to register for a login? Why is there a link to create a New Ticket which nobody can use?
Why is it so difficult to understand? Perhaps the language is just an outlet of sheer frustration - what do you think?

Anyway, to get back to the topic of this bug... as instructed previously, I did replace the original EXE from Beta 2 (dated 16 July) with the one dated 19 July (which still identified itself as Beta 2 in the About box). I have now downloaded again and find an EXE dated 26 July - you are moving the goalposts and then blaming me for not doing things properly... Hmmmm.
At first sight, it seems to work, but based on past performance that is no guarantee that it will continue to work. I will let you know in a few days after a bit more use whether this is stable or not.
For what it's worth, I updated the .LNG file to add the missing accelerator keys but you seem not to have picked up on that - it's in a separate ticket #52. I will upload it again to fold in your latest changes.

comment:12 by Eugene Romanenko, 18 years ago

Downloaded .lng, thanks.

comment:13 by ktk, 18 years ago


Ok you were right, I forgot to add the lucide user to the ACL file for lucide, fixed now.

I will maintain one single user database in the future for all logins at netlabs, the DB already exists but I need to feed it into LDAP for the applications. That's work in progress and as soon as this is done, people can register users there.

comment:14 by pr, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

No problems seen with the latest version, so I guess we can call this fixed.

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