Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#34 closed defect (duplicate)

crash with SYS3180, when started from root

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Eugene Romanenko
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Lucide Core Version:
Keywords: Cc:


When Lucide is started from the root directory of a drive, its window shortly opens, closes again and the program terminates.

Workaround: Start Lucide from a subdirectory.

In the popuplog.os2 an entry about SYS3180 appears, e.g.

06-16-2006 14:28:44 SYS3180 PID 00ec TID 0001 Slot 0097 R:\LUCIDE.EXE c0000097 0001fa1d EAX=0000012f EBX=012f01f7 ECX=000100ec EDX=13e8af20 ESI=800000ee EDI=00000007 DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030 GS=0000 GSACC= GSLIM= CS:EIP=005b:0001fa1d CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff SS:ESP=0053:000644d0 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff EBP=00230208 FLG=00002202

LUCIDE.EXE 0001:0000fa1d

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Eugene Romanenko, 19 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Duplicate for tickets #20, 29. Fixed with changeset 54.

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