Opened 19 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#19 closed defect (worksforme)

Program fails on filenames containing an underscore.

Reported by: marcus@… Owned by: Eugene Romanenko
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Lucide Core Version: 1.0 Beta 1.1
Keywords: underscore filename Cc:


The program fails if it is called with a source PDF (and perhaps other file types -- I did not try) containing an underscore in the file name (but strangely enough, not if the underscore is the third character in the file name).

Change History (8)

comment:1 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Version: 1.0 Beta 1

comment:2 by anonymous, 19 years ago

It is somewhat complicated in what works and what doesn't, The following fails: E:\PROGRAMS\gs\pmpdf\20031218102923-Mensys_Online_Shopping_(Tel+31(0)23-5482020).PDF it sits there for quite a while at 99% cpu usage (which seems normal with all of the pdf files I have opened) but then when it should open it crashes: 06-07-2006 14:20:48 SYS3175 PID 008f TID 0001 Slot 00b6 E:\PROGRAMS\LUCIDE_BETA1\LUCIDE.EXE c0000005 2831332b P1=00000001 P2=2831332b P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX EAX=00000000 EBX=5f5f6c65 ECX=54285f67 EDX=6e697070 ESI=6f68535f EDI=656e696c DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030 GS=0000 GSACC= GSLIM= CS:EIP=005b:2831332b CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff SS:ESP=0053:00063620 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff EBP=6e4f5f73 FLG=00012202

renamed to testit.pdf it comes up fine.

20041005121702-Re(ws2004)_latest_registration_numbers-.PDF crashes with: 06-09-2006 11:50:47 SYS3175 PID 035b TID 0001 Slot 00ba E:\PROGRAMS\LUCIDE_BETA1\LUCIDE.EXE c0000005 5f6e6f69 P1=00000001 P2=5f6e6f69 P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX EAX=00000000 EBX=74617274 ECX=73696765 EDX=725f7473 ESI=6574616c EDI=5f293430 DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030 GS=0000 GSACC= GSLIM= CS:EIP=005b:5f6e6f69 CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff SS:ESP=0053:00063620 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff EBP=30327377 FLG=00012202


again, renamed it works fine.

06-09-2006 11:59:33 SYS3175 PID 035d TID 0001 Slot 00ba E:\PROGRAMS\LUCIDE_BETA1\LUCIDE.EXE c0000005 6174536d P1=00000001 P2=6174536d P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX EAX=00000000 EBX=6f43655f ECX=74615f70 EDX=6f68535f ESI=2d5f7a69 EDI=622d6e6f DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030 GS=0000 GSACC= GSLIM= CS:EIP=005b:6174536d CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff SS:ESP=0053:00063620 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff EBP=69746174 FLG=00012202

I also have this popuplog entry that I think is from a naming issue as well (at least I don't recall any other crashes) but I don't recall the filename in question: 06-07-2006 14:25:24 SYS3175 PID 0093 TID 0002 Slot 0085 E:\PROGRAMS\LUCIDE_BETA1\LUCIDE.EXE c0000005 161d781b P1=00000002 P2=fffff670 P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX EAX=000000ff EBX=00000000 ECX=00000000 EDX=fffff670 ESI=04926258 EDI=ffffffff DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030 GS=0000 GSACC= GSLIM= CS:EIP=005b:161d781b CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff SS:ESP=0053:048afa00 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff EBP=1629fbd4 FLG=00012202

LUPPLR.DLL 0002:0007781b

The following all have underscores and do work: 20030409071438-Configuring_TCPBEUI.PDF 20040119132215-Join_the_Neighborhood.PDF 20040713113823-Thank_You_for_your_order.PDF 20041005121702-Re(ws2004)_latest_registration_numbers-.PDF

I can reproduce these and others.

comment:3 by Eugene Romanenko, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

please test this problem against beta-1.1 reopen ticket if not fixed

comment:4 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened


Reading a file with 22 characters or more lets lucide close from itself. With filenames with 21 characters or less it opens normally.

comment:5 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Version: 1.0 Beta 11.0 Beta 1.1

comment:6 by Eugene Romanenko, 19 years ago

In beta 2 it still crashes? If yes, post popuplog.os2 contens here.

comment:7 by Eugene Romanenko, 19 years ago

Whats about beta 3? Crashes still here?

comment:8 by Eugene Romanenko, 18 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: reopenedclosed

ticket closed, reopen if problem still here.

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