Custom Query (324 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 324)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#223 feedback DesktopxxxxCopy added to filename Mikael Elf

Every time a pdf is saved, Lucide (since ver GA?) adds "Desktop" before file name and "Copy" afterwords. I find it very unnecessary and this is something I have to change every time. Why? Is this due to some copyright-laws or..?

Can we please get rid of this function or optionally turn it off?

#147 invalid Display DJVU Meta-Informations Eugene Romanenko batchheizer

Lucide should be able to display meta-informations of a djvu-file. But the window "Display-Documentinformations" is always empty. These informations contain simple values about Author, Title etc.

They can easily be edited using djvused-command set-meta. (Does not work with current OS/2-port, 3.5.12 of djvulibre).

#282 duplicate Display a warning when the installed poppler lib is not at the required level to support the current PDF plugin Lewis Rosenthal

Instead of merely not rendering PDFs, apply check at startup for requisite level of poppler dll. If not found, present a warning panel, e.g.:

Unable to load PDF Plugin.
Possible reason: Incompatible poppler library.

Please install poppler-0.42.0 to enable PDF rendering.

This would work for popplers which are too new as well as those which are too old.

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