Custom Query (324 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 324)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#70 fixed Strange symbol shown for 'µ' (micro) and '°' (degree) in some PDF files Eugene Romanenko Rudi

Some documents show weird symbols for 'µ' (micro) and '°' (degree). Open attached file tea5768hl.pdf and look at the last column in table "QUICK REFERENCE DATA" (page 4).

#71 fixed Minor suggestions for zoom, dropdown and search Eugene Romanenko guest

The dropdown box that offers various zoom options is too narrow to show the whole text of some of the options. For instance, I have "Actual Siz" and "Fit in Wind". There is a lot of space on the tool bar. Why make the zoom select too narrow? Or add a "+" and "-" to step the zoom up or down.

Using a magnifying glass as a symbol for Search is wierd, for me anyway. I am used to magnifying glasses for, well, magnifying. The only application I recall seeing the MG for search is Reader. Hmm, is there an icon that is commonly used for finding/searching?

#73 fixed Page Up/Down key operation Eugene Romanenko StevenHL

It would be handy if when operating in paged mode, pressing page down when already at the end of page moved forward to the next page. This would free up the +/- keys and is better suited for most laptops.


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