Custom Query (245 matches)


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Results (25 - 27 of 245)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#57 invalid Dynamic libraries cannot be freed when sockets (at least) are used bird Yuri Dario

When a dll uses a socket function (but not only in this case), the dll cannot be unloaded by DosFreeModule?(), usually rc=12 (ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS) is returned. This leaves the dll file locked by the process, and it can be replaced only after process end (unlocking the dll is not enough, the current process will still use the old dll).

Sample code included in the attachment (source and binaries).

#238 invalid Exception handler not working in forked child bird Yuri Dario

When a process executes a fork(), the registered exception handlers are not working in child process. In my case, I registered EXCEPTQ 7.0 handler to dump exceptions to disk.

Registering exception handler in fork()ed code, allows testcase code to dump the exception.

#311 duplicate FPU control word is altered at startup KO Myung-Hun


It is well known that some dlls alter FPU CW but do not restore it. So if those dlls are imported, FPU CW is altered at startup. This may cause SIGFPE later. To prevent this, it's good to initialize FPU CW at startup.

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