Custom Query (245 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 245)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#224 invalid chroot breaks /@unixroot rewrite bird Yuri Dario

While working at RPM, I discovered some wrong installations when a non UNIXRoot drive was used.

Debug showed that calling chroot("/@unixroot/"), ..., chroot(".") broke the unixroot rewrite.

The logged libc output shows how /@unixroot resolves to D:/ after the two chrooted calls.

Removing the chroot, restored @unixroot behaviour.

Attaching sample log, unable to write a testcase.

#223 fixed posix_memalign() is broken bird dmik

posix_memalign() does not work as expected. In particular, it is not always able to allocate a block aligned to 256K: it will return -1 in such cases w/o even setting errno to something. The attached example demonstrates this.

#222 fixed gcc 4.3 semantic change of extern inline bird Yuri Dario

When compiling with -std=c99 or -std=gnu99, the extern inline keywords changes meaning. GCC 4.3 conforms to the ISO C99 specification, where extern inline is very different thing than the GNU extern inline extension.

If the old GNU extern inline behavior is desired, one can use extern inline attribute((gnu_inline)).

Only stdio.h have this problem.


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