Custom Query (245 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 245)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#235 invalid emxomfld should ignore /PACKDATA when linking with wlink. bird dryeo

When building Mozilla with set EMXOMFLD_TYPE=WLINK the build dies with this,

emxomfld: warning: ignoring ilink option '/EXEPACK:2'
emxomfld: warning: ignoring ilink option '/PACKCODE'
Error! E3033: file ldW4DIQY.: line(8): directive error near '/PACKDATA'

So /PACKDATA should be added to the ignored list in emxomfld.

#234 fixed ld: Align .text by 16 bytes bird KO Myung-Hun


Current, ld aligns .data/.bss by 16 bytes for SSE, but .text by 4 bytes.

Some libraries such as x264 require to align .text by 16 bytes as well.

So there is need to align .text by 16 bytes as well.

#233 fixed getsockname() and getpeername() fail when using high memory bird rudi

The functions getsockname() and getpeername() will fail, if the variable containing the size of "struct sockaddr" is located in high memory.

It is suggested not to pass the address of that variable directly to the IP stack but use an intermediate local instead.


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