Custom Query (245 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 245)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#104 invalid emximp: Processes aliased exports in the wrong way bird froloff

emximp create wrong function name, while converted def file, provided alias name in EXPORT section. For example, lines in input .def file

	zlibVersion = _zlibVersion
	deflate = _deflate

will cause the following text in output .imp file (same for .a and .lib):

; -------- zlib2.lib --------
zlibVersion            ZLIB2    _zlibVersion ?
deflate                ZLIB2    _deflate ?

While the destination shall looks like this:

; -------- zlib2.lib --------
zlibVersion             ZLIB2    zlibVersion ?
deflate                 ZLIB2    deflate ?

The reason of this bug in emx\src\libmoddef\moddef2.c Patch provided in attach. This also emxomfld and emxbind. Some changes also preferable in weak.c, function symAddExport(), while parsing def file.

#107 duplicate crash in threads with cerr-usage when cin is a pipe bird anonymous


when I run the following program compiled with gcc 3.3.5 CSD1 and a input redirection I get SYS1808 with code 0005.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void threadfunc(void*)
{  cerr << "in thread\n";

int main()
{  cerr << "before beginthread\n";
   _beginthread(threadfunc, NULL, 65536, NULL);
   cerr << "after beginthread\n";
   return 0;
D:\TEMP>gcc test.cpp -lstdc++

D:\TEMP>type test.cpp | test.exe
before beginthread
aifnt etrh rbeeagdi
Der Prozeß wurde gestoppt. Der Softwarediagnosecode
(Fehlercode der Ausnahmebedingung) ist 0005.

Of course, the output to cerr is not serialized, but this does not matter. I removed the mutex only for simplicity.

The signal is triggerd immediately after the end of threadfunc if and only if

  • test.exe is called with input redirection and
  • there is at least one output to cerr in the thread (cout works!).

With gcc 3.2.2 the above program works as expected even with pipe input.


#109 fixed libstdc++: infinite recursion during thread exit bird bird

A bug in the __gthread_key_dtor implementation caused it to call itself recusivly until it ran out of stack. The result was bad stack or some kind of access violation. It seems this happend whenever the libstdc++ library was used by a thread other than the primary one.

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