Custom Query (245 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 245)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#19 fixed gcc: gcc limits.h overrides limits.h from libc bird bird

GCC has it's own limits.h which hides the limits.h in usr/include installed by libc. This means that we're missing lot's a stuff, esp. PATH_MAX.

#20 fixed libc: random panic SIGSEGV when doing parallel builds bird bird

Two or more parallel builds of mozilla is reported causing random SIGSEGV on an UNI system.

#21 fixed libc: limit Unix EAs to specific file systems bird bird

Fat32 does not implement EAs efficiently, and some other IFSes doesn't do it at all. The solution is to add a property to the volume information objects which indicates whether or not it can deal with UnixEAs. A global env.var. for disabling it would also be nice.

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