Custom Query (245 matches)


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Results (37 - 39 of 245)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#369 invalid ioctl( SIOCGIFCONF ) with TCPV40HDRS does not work KO Myung-Hun


When TCPV40HDRS is defined, ioctl( SIOCGIFCONF ) does not work.

As well as SIOCGIFCONF, other calls also seems not to work.

I attach test codes.

#382 duplicate multiple files with same indoe are created KO Myung-Hun


When heavily fork()ed, multiple files with same inode are created. Because sometimes forked() child processes have the same seed value.

Some programs checking inodes such as mv, cp, install of coreutils, fails because they treat files with same inodes as the same files.

This always occurs when running 'bootstrap' script in coreutils git repo. mv fails with complaining ./m4/.gitignore.bak and ./m4/.gitignore are the same file.

#385 invalid pthread_rwlock_unlock() blocks the thread. digi

Function pthread_rwlock_unlock() blocks the thread if in another thread the mutex was locked / unlocked. Quick test attached.

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