Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#139 stat() fails with errno=2 on RSJ attached file system new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#108 libc: Update sys/errno.h and add missing SuS error codes assigned bird defect normal libc-0.7
#75 libc: Implement inp and outp from sys/hw.h assigned bird enhancement normal libc-0.7
#106 gcc: internal compiler error: in default_no_named_section, at varasm.c:4958 new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#129 GCC: __attribute__((__system__)) loses its meaning after applying it to a static function of a class assigned bird defect normal libc-0.7
#130 Dynamic loading of libc assigned bird defect normal libc-0.7
#138 Calling _System functions with callback fails assigned bird defect normal libc-0.7
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